Friday, 8 April 2016


They roll down when I am happy

They roll when I am sad

They just simply find their way-

When I get emotional
Or even when I go mad.

People say I am an ‘emotional fool’

For weeping always ‘isn’t so cool’.

So, I try a lot to control them

But, damn!!! You see somehow they just find their way again.

I pray to them, “please stop, stop, and stop”
They answer me, “‘ma ’lady fear not”.

My quivering lips then loses their words

In an attempt to stop them but all a gust

They whisper slowly as they flow

“We indeed are making you stronger though”.

People call me an ‘educated illiterate’

Use and throw me like a rug, straight.

These tears, give me their friendly hug then,

Helping me to rise up with wisdom and fight again.

From my birth till today they have never betrayed me though

They slowly come, soothe me and help me go with the societal flow.
Some people like to party when they are sad

Want to fool society with mask of happiness even when incidents turn them mad.

Fearing that, shredding tears would make them look feeble and bad.

Thus, wearing the mask of flamboyancy all day long,

They just try to be happy all time along

Alas! But these adamant tears somehow find their way in loneliness

Ripping the scared soul apart

That never again can trust anyone.

Waiting like a desert for rain, 

The wounded soul tries to find the peace again,

Which can soothe it and help it heal.

But then, how can one find it with a mask on face?

Rip off the mask over your face,

Rip off the mask over your face,

And face the world even when you are apace

For we all aren’t in any race

Cry, laugh, smile, fear
For these emotional help us in bearing the societal tears
Let the emotions come out let them flow-

Then only your positivity will glow. 

Joyeeta Talukdar